Here comes the day to open the new chapter of NEC
Introducing you the National Exchange Committee 2018/2019
- Rifky Ramadhan as National Exchange Officer for Incoming (NEO-IN)
- Sylvie Dominic Teh as National Exchange Officer for Outgoing (NEO-OUT)
- Valencia Ayu Sari as Vice NEO for Internal Affairs (VNI)
- Desyavira Aisyah as Vice NEO for External Affairs (VNE)
- Nabilla Calista as Secretary
- Kezia Angela Celine as Treasurer
- Syifaurrahmah as Project Coordinator (PC)
- Tengku Amir Ramadhan as Media and Communication Coordinator (MCC)
- Muhammad Rayhandi Naufal as Fundraising and Merchandise Coordinator (FNMC)
- Nadya Stefanie Andhika as SCOPE Advisory Team (SAT)
- Andrina Addalia as SCOPE Advisory Team (SAT)
We wish you a great experience and wonderful journeys ahead!