WHO simulation is the first SCOPE CIMSA UNEJ project, that was held Saturday morning on December, 15th 2018 at Faculty of Medicine Jember University. In this project we discuss about “The Dilemma between the Handling of Refugees due to Victims of conflict as citizens of the World and Protection of the Stage Against Threats from Illegal Immigrants” in Somalia. There are so many people came from another faculty of Jember University in our new project. Not only from another faculty but also a lot of SCOPE members are so excited to join the WHO simulation. In this project many countries have a role to discuss and the issues to be discussed, such as the African region (Botswana and South Africa), the European Region (Germany and Denmark), the South to East Asia Region (Searo), such as Indonesia, Japan and India, the Eastern Mediteranean Region (Emro) such as Somalia, the Western Pacific Region (Wpro), such as South Korea and Americas Region, Mexico.
This new project held at OSCE Building, started with registration from 07.00 until 08.00 am. The event was opened by Amel as the host, continued with speech from the project officer by Wira. Then the host read the curriculum vitae. Starting from Silvia Laurent Elvina Putri as the co chairperson and Kukuh Ugie as the chairperson. Continued with the co chair and chairperson taken place and then the event start. The activity started with reading the names of each country called roll call. Then the first session of the General Speakers List was started, this session was conducted to submit a topic to be discussed. Every country that wanted to express opinion on the first list, and the country that speaks last. Then the next session is moderated caucus. Moderated caucus is part of the general speakers list including unmoderated caucus.
When the unmoderated caucus was done? It was depending on the motion. For example, a country expresses a motion, “the motion to start moderated caucus for 15 minutes”, the one who determines is their own country, later the co chair and chair of the person who decide the unmoderated caucus. Moderated caucus is a session where it is permissible to express opinions, about what? After the general speakers list has finished, and then there is a motion, from the co and chairperson. What topics will be discussed? After each country submits an opinion, from that opinion, then will be a vote and then moderated caucus begin. For example from 5 topics, the most vote is on the third topic, meaning that the moderated caucus discussed is the third topic for 15 minutes.
After completion of the moderated caucus/unmoderated caucus activity, then continued with a break for half an hour. The next activity is working paper submission, it was a draft (bill) for the issues from what its discussed in moderated caucus and in unmoderated caucus. In unmoderated caucus all countries will make an alliance, so the number of working paper submissions is comparable with the alliances. In this event there are 2 groups, each group will present the topic. After the program was presented and the programs will be voted. The most voted program, is a program that will be implemented.
The chosen program summary is the south Africa ready to be the first country to accept the refugees from Somalia who didn’t get a place to live. The other nations ready to support in different ways. The European nations ready to help the funding and human source such as scientist, doctors, and economics to observe and share their knowledge to other nations. Japan ready to support by giving funding and technology. Eventhough south Africa is the first country for this program, but the other nations will also accept the refugees in their country but with their own regulations. WHO Simulation ended in 2 pm and have a good testimonies form the delegates.