Here comes the day to open the new chapter of NEC

Introducing you the National Exchange Committee 2019/2020

  1. Muhammad Yurizar Yudhistira as National Exchange Officer for Incoming (NEO-IN)
  2. Made Dwi Aryastana Janardana as National Exchange Officer for Outgoing (NEO-OUT)
  3. Alexander Sulistyo as Vice NEO for Internal Affairs (VNI)
  4. Ihsany Arafiasetyanto Prihadi as Vice NEO for External Affairs (VNE)
  5. Hana Ayu Shafira as Secretary
  6. Azzahra Velia as Treasurer
  7. Alya Ramadhini as Project Coordinator (PC)
  8. Anela Khairunnisa as Media and Communication Coordinator (MCC)
  9. Sri Intan Agusmai as Fundraising and Merchandise Coordinator (FNMC)
  10. Nadya Stefanie Andhika as SCOPE Advisory Team (SAT)
  11. Sylvie Dominic Teh as SCOPE Advisory Team (SAT)

We wish you a great experience and wonderful journeys ahead!