Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta's Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan (School of Medicine and Health Sciences) was founded in 1993. This faculty includes four departments: medicine, nursing, dentistry, and pharmacy. There are numerous educational activities available at FKIK UMY, including lectures, tutorials (small group discussions), skills labs (practical skill development), laboratory work, plenary discussions (expert seminars), hospital field trips, clinical examinations, and so forth. The activities listed above are intended to improve the effectiveness of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) curriculum.
Our Hospital
PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta is one of the hospitals in Yogyakarta. It is one of Muhammadiyah Ummah Welfare Trustees' philanthropic efforts. On February 15th, 1923, it was established as a clinic in Kampung Jagang Notoprajan, Yogyakarta.